P I V O T 2 C H A N G E
Transformation Through Thoughts
214-945-9700 | Email: jsado@pivot2change.com

PIVOT 2 CHANGE, LLC is a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) designed to assist businesses with sales, employee leadership, training, and management skills. It is built on adult training methodologies, leadership development, and personal business etiquette using neuroscience, NLP, and behavioral coaching.
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An employer needs to keep up-to-date with training their employees to have the entrepreneur spirit needed to help their company grow. That's why outsourcing has become the most cost effective and efficient way to operate a business.
In the relationship between PEO, a worksite employee, and a client company, there exists a co-employment relationship in which both the PEO and the client company share responsibilities.
The client company retains control of the worksite activities and the PEO assumes the responsibility and liability for the employee personal development, skills, and company representation.
At the core of the organization, Pivot 2 Change is a forward-thinking, research company, focused on the continual improvement of sales and service effectiveness and performance across a variety of industries, selling and service environments.
Julian programs have improved business processes, retention, recruitment, diversity, and brand by using human motivators so that leaders can strive to stay at the forefront of what truly works for top performers in today’s competitive marketplace.
It is the combination of ongoing research and identified best practices utilizing NLP, neuroscience, behavioral coaching and a host of communication techniques that tap into the cultural trends and individuals’ mindsets in order to drive the development of world-class training courses and consulting processes.
We understand that good training programs or new processes are not enough. Adult learning along with a mindset for change and smart implementation plans are what is required to achieve maximum results and ensure long-term behavioral change across any business model. Our dedication to managing change and reinforcement is unsurpassed, and we take very seriously the commitment to helping clients achieve a high return on investment.
The goal is to become a trusted partner to each of our clients, continuing to provide them with actionable feedback to achieve real-world results and measurable growth for years to come.

Most companies want to focus their time and energy on the "business of their business" and not on the “business of employee development." Additionally, businesses use a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to:
•Control Costs
•Save time and decrease paper work hassles
•Generate motivation
•Reduce turnover
•Attract high quality employees
•Enhance employee moral
•Simplify training and employee promotions
•Provide an ongoing leadership training
•Offer professional facilitator and participant manuals, employee handbooks, up-to-date forms, policies and procedures

One size does not fit all, and this mentality is woven to the core of our organization. We are organic in our approach, which has guided the development of our completely customizable leadership, sales and service performance programs.
Our perspective is fresh and unique, enabling us to become long-term trusted advisors to our clients.
In today’s competitive marketplace, a business must be aligned with the way their clients want to be served; and your staff must have the skills to convert a high percentage of clients into life long customers. We offer training, consulting, and talent management services.