P I V O T 2 C H A N G E
Transformation Through Thoughts
214-945-9700 | Email: jsado@pivot2change.com
Emotional intelligence is a critical skill in business, underpinning people’s capacity to work well with others, manage stress and make effective decisions. By understanding the science behind emotional intelligence, organizations can take a far more targeted approach to developing people. We teach people how emotions work in the brain and how to use them intelligently to improve their capacity to work well with people, make good decisions and lead diverse work-forces.
Behavioral coaching is the actions, responses and reactions of an individual, team, or organization. Behavioral coaching can also be defined as the science and art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of the individual or team, which in turn assists the growth of the organization. The overall goal of behavioral coaching is to help individuals increase their effectiveness and happiness at work, study, and or in the social setting
Neuroscience in the last 10 years we have jumped a hurdle in our understanding of Neuroscience and it is changing our culture, our employees, and it should change how we hire, train, and maintain employees. We can now discover and develop the core ‘brain and body’ abilities that have a direct impact on leadership effectiveness, productivity, well-being and engagement. Discovering how the human brain works and how to harness its potential is crucial if we want to lead ourselves and others to success in an increasingly complex global economy.
Neurolinquistic Programming (NLP) Language is such a central feature of being a human, Linguistics (NLP) has intellectual connections and overlaps with many other disciplines. Your sales and service teams may not be aware of the words and tone they use and how they impact the emotions, thoughts, and opinions of your customers. This is a break-through discovery and it is an amazing topic around office brand, vibe, culture, and team interaction and the health and wellness of your employees and customer perceptions